Automated DMCA Takedown

  1. Track unauthorized shared links
  2. Automatically send DMCA notice
  3. Remove copyrighted links from Google

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Illegal links

Find unauthorized downloads of your works, music, movies, products, software and apps.

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DMCA Sender

Automatically send DMCA takedown notice and manage your products lists.

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Abuse Email

Lookup and Find all available abuse emails from a given url or domain.

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Report alleged copyright infringement,Abuse Email Template & useful links.

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Protect Your Works

Illegal sharing of music, movies, scripts, themes and other applications or tools is a real problem. Protect your own work or intellectual propriety become more and more hard. You have to track on forum, Social network, Torrent site, Peer-to-Peer Networks, File sharing websites, Search engines ... Humainly impossible to track all those sources. That's why we have decided to provide this tool.

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What is DMCA ?

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a 1998 United States copyright law. It aims to establish intellectual property legislation adapted to the digital age.

Protect your works

DMCA Takedown notice

Online Service Providers must promptly block (or remove) access to alleged infringing material when they receive notification of an infringement claim (Takedown notice) from a copyright holder.

Not only in U.S

Who is concerned ?

The DMCA law applies to every entity linked to the USA. It could be the use of an US CMS (wordpress), US hoster, A paypal account, US advertising ... Every entity linked to US must answer to any DMCA request received

DMCA : How it works ?

Onlise service providers receive a DMCA Notice

When a OSP, that could be a website, a search engine, a hosting company, any Mobile app ..., receive a complaint, he must investigate and verify that the applicant is the owner of the rights.

The OSP is studying the complaint

The DMCA takedown notice must comply with a standard format and contain all the information necessary to prove authorship of the intellectual rights and demonstrate the infringement.

Your DMCA takedown notice is accepted

The OSPs must block (search engine, hosting company) access to alleged infringing content or remove the content PROMPTLY

Your DMCA takedown notice is non-compliant

The alleged infringing content is still accessible. Additional information may be requested in certain cases. It is always possible to redo a DMCA takedown notice

Your DMCA takedown notice is rejected

The alleged infringing content will stay accessible. If you think you are in your right, you can go to court